Where do we come from ...


On the Rise

Since his early days as an rebellious radio producer in Paris, our founder Ralf was rallying the 80s all over the place. In the 90s he settled founding his own creative agency Würth& Würth Media (W&W) soon trending in the UK, Scandic, Europe and the Middle East. 

Since then, Ralf and his committed team were pioneering mixed media with key industry players from cinema to magazines, book publishing to tv-production, streaming  media platforms, 3D and VR experiences. 

W&W introduced brand story-telling in collaborative media campaigns and factual entertainment on all screens.

Second Career

After 20 years in television with more than 600 episodes of factual tv - series for national and international networks, Ralf Würth leaves the media world in 2009 for a new chapter in the art world.

He continues publishing under various aliases as artist, cinematographer and lensman, gallerist, curator and museums founder. 

Back to Cinema

In 2012 he is coming off with rosewood studios, a flourishing fly on the wall documentary platform bringing character focused, narrative driven feature documentaries to life. 

The repertoire spans diverse genres of cinema verité engaging audiences with the natural world and steward-ship for our planet. The filmmaker is aiming to convince his audiences to engage in social change, embodying the studios legacy of unifying art and activism, creativity and impact. 

In 2025  we will  complete SHIFT,  a series of 6 feature-length documentaries showing todays societal transformation from 6 different perspectives.




When Cyrill Gutsch, a charismatic leader of New York' s creative class collides with legendary ocean activist Paul Watson, he decides to turn his life upside-down, drumming up artists, publicists, celebrities and scientists to collaboratively fight against the nearing collapse of the worlds oceans. The anatomy of an eco-revolution.


lluminating the exceptional career of Hell, who developed creative legacy in the paradigm shift from analogue to electronic music. When the pandemic storm sets the entertainment sector on fire, the artist is crafting an addictive elexier, bringing the enthusiastic vibe of NYC and Berlin in the early 90s to a whole new demographic.

Game Changers

Top dog artists, collectors and dealers sharing dinner table with the go-to lawyer from Basel. Such tidy narratives fueled a reigning ideology of success. The generational divide hat never been so big. With rising digital art popularity and social amplifying reach and impact, there are options making money other than flipping burgers. Meet the Feigenbaums.


When German sixties intelligentsia gets infected by new world optimism - the unthinkable occurs. Bold ideas from the Friedrichs, a european art world couple. 

Early collaborations with todays masters Beuys, Baselitz, Richter, Palermo, Twombly, Warhol,   de Maria, Judd and Flavin. Commissioning single artists works -  enabling ambitions, realizing and preserving artistic visions with iconic site specific artworks for eternity: the nucleus of imaginative new thinking. It is still on ...


Episodic glimpses at topflight father-son pairings in the world of motor sports. The digital transformation transcends traditional roles in every industry.  

As they embark on digital transformation, the successors of great racing drivers start pushing boundaries for a smarter tomorrow:  fighting for diversity and equality, against racism, plastic pollution and climate change. A symbiotic relationship that sparks new creative possibilities for fresh and captivating content that resonates with divers audiences.


In 2020, a private jet is approaching  Kangra airstrip deep inside the state of Himachal Pradesh, India. Onboard a handful of perfectly casted political and cultural thought leaders heading  to the serene hide away hill station of  Dharashalam, the residence in exile  of his Holiness the Dalai Lama. 

5 years later, a Tibetan Delegation is invited to participate in a digital mountain summit in Graubünden Switzerland, where the prota-gonists regroup to actively promote on site the blue print for a greener world.


Ralf Würth             

Managing Director

Würth& Würth Media GmbH, Dachauerstr. 242, 80992 München, Germany

lab@würth.consulting  +49 152 26437270 

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